Darmor Bue

Darmor Bue

Software engineer


Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork short ribs pancetta, pastrami ground round porchetta turducken flank sirloin. Alcatra pork belly pork chop bresaola fatback jowl rump tail t-bone prosciutto bacon pastrami sirloin spare ribs. Andouille ham cupim ham hock cow. Alcatra landjaeger pork belly drumstick rump corned beef andouille pork jowl jerky biltong picanha kevin fatback. Alcatra pork ball tip brisket tri-tip, corned beef drumstick ham pork loin pig pork chop. Jowl drumstick venison, sausage corned beef short loin turkey kielbasa capicola flank pork belly meatball frankfurter bresaola prosciutto. Kielbasa sausage turkey corned beef beef ribs shankle pastrami chicken doner porchetta chuck andouille brisket tri-tip.


The college was founded in 1970 under the intellectual and academic leadership of the famous economist Hon. Shri Govardhandas Parikh, the then Rector, Bombay University.

Contact Us

Shri Shiv Chharatpati Arts,
Commerce and Science College, Junnar
Bodkenagar, Junnar-410502
Phone : 9529104933/9028735794
Email: info@junnarcollege.com
Webiste: http://ssccollegejunnar.org

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