Visit to Aswani Unit (Ethanol production project),
Vighnahar Sugar Factory, Shiroli
Visit to Biofertilizer production unit, Vighnahar Sugar Factory, Shiroli
Visit to Grapsy Wine Factory, Vitthalwadi, Junnar
Spawning on paddy straw substrate
Well developed fruiting bodies (mushroom) of Pleurotus
harvested from paddy substrate
Inauguration of Flower arrangement workshop by the hand of Chief Guest, Shri.
Prabhakar Borhade, Principal Dr. C. R. Mandlik, President’s representative
Prof. V. B. Kulkarni, and HOD Prof. S. A. Bhosale
Demonstration on processing of raw fruits into processed products by
Mr. Radhesham Pardeshi, Mumbai
The college was founded in 1970 under the intellectual and academic leadership of the famous economist Hon. Shri Govardhandas Parikh, the then Rector, Bombay University.